Imgres attributes demo

data-imgres attribute

This field only accepts a 640x480 resolution image.

An image

data-imgminres attribute

This field does not accept images below 1920x1280 resolution.

An image


Sets the JPEG quality to 99 for Phonegap compiled apps.

An image
<h2>data-imgres attribute</h2>
<p>This field only accepts a 640x480 resolution image.</p>
    <img class="img-thumbnail" alt="An image" data-name="Image1" />
    <a class="btn btn-primary" data-func="camera" data-img="Image1" data-noimg="noimg" data-name="noimg" data-imgres="640x480"></a>

<h2>data-imgminres attribute</h2>
<p>This field does not accept images below 1920x1280 resolution.</p>
    <img class="img-thumbnail" alt="An image" data-name="Image2" />
    <a class="btn btn-primary" data-func="camera" data-img="Image2" data-noimg="noimg2" data-name="noimg2" data-imgminres="1920x1280"></a>

<p>Sets the JPEG quality to 99 for Phonegap compiled apps.</p>
    <img class="img-thumbnail" alt="An image" data-name="Image3" />
    <a class="btn btn-primary" data-func="camera" data-img="Image3" data-noimg="noimg3" data-name="noimg3" data-imgquality="99"></a>
No JS code used for this example

Output templates

Templates used for document and web page generation:

Friendly Name File Name Template